[Video] Contributors to Satellite Launch Leave Pyongyang amid Warm Send-off

Contributors to Satellite Launch Leave Pyongyang amid Warm Send-off

The scientists, technicians, workers and officials who contributed to the successful launch of satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2 left here Friday amid warm send-off from senior party, state and army officials, service personnel and more than 100 000 Pyongyangites. They toured Pyongyang at the invitation of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un. Huge crowds of Pyongyangites […]

Servicepersons Meet to Vow to Carry Out Tasks Set Forth in New Year Address

Servicepersons Meet to Vow to Carry Out Tasks Set Forth in New Year Address
[nggallery id=101]A meeting of the service personnel of the Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces was held at the April 25 House of Culture on Friday to vow to thoroughly implement the important tasks set forth in the historic New Year Address made by Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Un.  Present there were Choe Ryong […]

Moranbong Band Continues New Year Performance

Moranbong Band Continues New Year Performance

A New Year performance “Following the Party to the End” is being continuously given with splendor by the Moranbong Band in Pyongyang, instilling confidence in the final victory into the servicepersons and people greeting the New Year. The venue of the performance was full of excited audience who received the historic New Year Address made […]

[Video] Pyongyang Greets New Year with Fireworks

Fireworks in Pyongyang DPRK
[nggallery id=95]Fireworks were displayed in different parts of Pyongyang at 00:00 on Jan. 1, Juche 102 (2013). Kim Il Sung Square, Pyongyang Indoor Stadium, April 25 House of Culture and other parts of the capital city were crowded with citizens enjoying the display of fireworks. At Pyongyang Indoor Stadium, Pak Thae Ryong, a student of […]

Kim Jong Un Makes New Year Address

Kim Jong Un Makes New Year Address

The dear respected Kim Jong Un made the New Year address on Tuesday in celebration of the New Year 2013. He said: “Last year we celebrated the centenary of the birth of President Kim Il Sung as the greatest national holiday and reviewed the 100-year history of Juche Korea with pride. We held up Kim […]

[Video] Pyongyang Racer – Race Thru The Streets of Pyongyang In This New Videogame!

Pyongyang Racer - Race Thru The Streets of Pyongyang In This New Videogame!

Pyongyang Racer — was commissioned by North Korean travel agency Koryo to highlight some of Pyongyang’s most famous tourist sites! The game tasks players with driving on a closed course of Pyongyang’s roads past several touristy landmarks while avoiding accidents and collecting oil barrels to ensure their car stays fueled up. When you drive past […]

Agricultural Workers Mark Anniversary of Kim Jong Un′s Assumption of KPA Supreme Commandership

Agricultural workers met to celebrate the first anniversary of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un’s assumption of supreme commandership of the Korean People’s Army at the Mangyongdae Vegetable Farm in Pyongyang on Wednesday. Ri Myong Gil, chairman of the C.C., the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea, made a report which was followed by […]

National Meeting Marks 40th Anniversary of Socialist Constitution of DPRK

National Meeting Marks 40th Anniversary of Socialist Constitution of DPRK
[nggallery id=93]There took place at the People’s Palace of Culture on Wednesday a national meeting to mark the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of “Socialist Constitution of the DPRK” by President Kim Il Sung. It was attended by Kim Yong Nam, Choe Yong Rim, Choe Ryong Hae and other senior party, state and army officials, […]

A year of more ardent longing for the sun

[nggallery id=91]The Korean people most significantly celebrated the centenary of birth of the great leader President Kim Il Sung in 2012. Now 2012 is coming to a close and the Korean people are recollecting with deep emotion the unforgettable days of the year spent amid longing for President Kim Il Sung. President Kim Il Sung […]

Kim Jong Suk′s Feats in Bringing Up Successor to Revolution

[nggallery id=89]Today marks the 95th birth anniversary of the anti-Japanese war hero, Kim Jong Suk.Though her life was short, she performed great feats for the country and the people. The greatest of her feats is that she brought up her son, leader Kim Jong Il, to be the reliable heir to the cause of President […]

Kim Jong Suk: Her Life Was Dedicated to Safeguarding Kim Il Sung

[nggallery id=85]Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero, in her lifetime devotedly worked to safeguard President Kim Il Sung. During the anti-Japanese armed struggle for Korea’s liberation, she risked her life in many battles to defend Kim Il Sung. Her heroic deeds were displayed to the full especially in battles fought in Dashahe gully, Fusong […]

[Video] Kim Jong Un Gives a Speech on DPRK’s Successful Satellite Launch

The Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea gave a grand banquet at the Mokran House on Friday in honor of scientists, technicians, workers and officials who made a contribution to the successful lift-off of satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2. The dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un was present at the banquet together with his wife […]

Those Who Contributed to Satellite Launch Visit Pyongyang Cornstarch Factory, Ice Rink

Those Who Contributed to Satellite Launch Visit Pyongyang Cornstarch Factory, Ice Rink

Scientists, technicians, workers and officials who made contributions to the successful satellite launch came here at the invitation of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un. They visited the Pyongyang Cornstarch Factory on Friday. When they arrived at the factory, officials and employees of the factory warmly welcomed them with garlands and bouquets. They went […]

Statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Erected in Hamhung City

Statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Erected in Hamhung City

Statues of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il were erected on Tonghung Hill in Hamhung City, South Hamgyong Province. They depict Kim Il Sung raising his hand high, his face beaming with a broad smile, and Kim Jong Il, his face beaming with a broad smile, standing in padded dress associated with […]

Banquet Given for Scientists, Technicians, Workers and Officials Who Succeeded in Satellite Lift-off

[nggallery id=81]The Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea gave a grand banquet at the Mokran House on Friday in honor of scientists, technicians, workers and officials who made a contribution to the successful lift-off of satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2. The dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un was present at the banquet together with his […]

Under the Banner of Songun

Great Kim Jong Il was an iron-willed brilliant commander and uncommon great man who defended the destiny of the country and people and demonstrated the dignity of the nation with the treasured sword of Songun or army-first politics. He was awarded the title of Marshal of the Democratic People´s Republic of Korea on April 20, […]

Performance Given by Workers Art Group

A performance was given by the Workers Art Group of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) at the Central Hall of Workers Wednesday to mark the 21st anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il’s assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People’s Army and the 95th birth anniversary […]