Elementor #22390

  “It is easy to be a mother but difficult to discharge one’s duty as the mother.”  Perhaps it means that too much effort is needed to bring up a child.  The Fifth National Conference of Mothers was grandly held in the capital city of Pyongyang in December last year amid boundless respect and expectations […]

Elementor #22387

Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation Signed The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Signs Treaty with Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) — An inter-state treaty on establishing comprehensive strategic partnership on the principle of equality, respect for sovereignty, good neighbourliness and mutual benefit was […]

People-first Politics of Workers’ Party of Korea Is Great Strength Unfolding New Era of Overall Development of State

Originally posted on: http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?MTVAMjAyNC0wNi0xMC1IMDA0QA== Today, the great era of comprehensive rejuvenation of the state, a new heyday of socialist civilization is being ushered in on this land. The eye-opening reality of the DPRK in which the most sacred history is written even in the grimmest annals unprecedented in the history of the nation-building clearly proves […]

Elementor #22381

US Air Espionage against DPRK Slammed RC-135U, a US air force spying aircraft, conducted air espionage again against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea near its southern border after taking off from Japan on May 29. Other spying aircraft of the US and the puppet ROK air force, including U-2S and RQ-4B, engage in round-the-clock monitoring and spying […]

Elementor #22378

RespectedComrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Completed Central Cadres Training School of WPK In the historic period, when a new heyday of strengthening the whole Party is being ushered in under the five-point Party building line in the new era clarified by the great Comrade Kim Jong Un, the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers’ Party of Korea, […]

Statement on Escalation of Tensions in the Korean Peninsula

As the U.S. Empire becomes increasingly desperate, it becomes more aggressive in its foreign policy to the nations of the global south. One such nation is Korea, a country which the U.S. Empire deemed its ‘spearhead into the Asian continent.’ By dividing Korea into 2 different blocs, one capitalist and the other socialist, the U.S. […]

U.S. Reckless Moves for Confrontation with DPRK Denounced by Central Association of Korean Nationals in Russia

Originally posted on: http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?MTJAMjAyNC0wNS0wNi1IMDA2QDJAMUBAMEA3== The Central Association of Korean Nationals in Russia issued a press statement on April 25, denouncing the U.S. reckless moves for confrontation with the DPRK. The press statement accused the U.S. of talking about international counteraction against the DPRK, terming its military drills for self-defense a “violation” of the UNSC “resolution.” […]

Elementor #22368

A spokesman for the National Aerospace Technology Administration (NATA) of the DPRK, released the following press statement “U.S. hegemonic attempt to militarize outer space into war theater is principal threat to global peace and security” on Saturday: The U.S. has gone beyond the red line in its hegemonic attempt to deprive the independent sovereign states […]

Elementor #22366

Human Rights Legally Guaranteed In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea where the working people are the masters of the state and society and everything serves them, their human rights are guaranteed by law. First of all, people choose their occupations according to their wishes and talents, and are provided with stable jobs and working […]

More People Move Into Better Houses in DPRK

Originally posted on http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?MTVAMjAyNC0wNC0xNy1IMDA1QA== Agricultural workers of the Ryonghung Farm in Thaechon County, North Phyongan Province of the DPRK, have moved into new dwelling houses. The villages, where modern single-story, terraced houses and public buildings have been built cozily, are covered with trees and flower shrubs of good species. The beautiful landscape of the villages […]

Elementor #22360

Chinese Party and Govt Delegation Visits Friendship Tower A party and government delegation of the People’s Republic of China headed by Zhao Leji, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the […]

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Message of Greeting from Syrian President

Originally posted on http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?MTJAMjAyNC0wNC0xMC1IMDA2QDJAMUBAMEAx== Kim Jong Un, president of the State of Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, received a message of greeting from Bashar Al-Assad, president of the Syrian Arab Republic, on April 7. The message extended warm congratulations to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un on the occasion of the 112th […]

Elementor #22356

“Reviving” Souls of “Japanese Imperial Army” A former vice admiral of the Japan Maritime “Self-Defense Force” has been recently appointed the boss of the Yasukuni Shrine where remains of top-class war criminals are interred in Japan turning itself into a war state under the cloak of “exclusive defense.” It deserves a wary watch that the […]

Elementor #22355

Workshop for UAWK Officials Held A workshop for chairpersons of the provincial, city and county committees of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea was held from March 26 to 28. It dealt with the practical issues for the provincial, city and county committees of the UAWK to fulfill their duty and role as units […]

Elementor #22354

Central Committee of Democratic Front for Reunification of Korea Formally Dissolved A meeting of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea took place in Pyongyang on March 23. Present there were presidium members of the Central Committee of the DFRK and representatives of political parties and social organizations. The meeting […]

81st Candlelight Rally in Seoul

Originally published on http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?MTVAMjAyNC0wMy0yMC1IMDA1QA== The 81st candlelight rally and demonstration were staged in Seoul on March 16 to demand the resignation of puppet Yoon Suk Yeol, who has escalated the tension through the reckless moves to provoke a nuclear war in collusion with the U.S. while getting engrossed in the fascist dictatorship and misrule. A […]

Elementor #22347

Hwangju-Kindung Waterway Project CompletedWPK Central Committee Sends a Letter of Thanks to Waterway Builders The project of Hwangju-Kindung Waterway, a large-scale irrigation system, was successfully completed. Hundreds of kilometres of gravity-fed waterway have been built for the irrigation of farmland in Hwangju and Yonthan counties of North Hwanghae Province, the major granaries of the country, […]

History of Great Love and Change Conveyed by Socialist Land

Originally Published at http://www.rodong.rep.kp/ The agrarian reform law was promulgated by President Kim Il Sung on March 5, Juche 35(1946). It was a great event specially recorded in the 5 000-year-long history of our nation. Thanks to the law, our farmers, who had to endure the slavish life for thousands of years, came to bring […]

UAWK Officials in DPRK Start Study Tour of Mt Paektu

Originally published on http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/ Officials and primary information workers of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea (UAWK)from across the country started a study tour of the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt Paektu. A meeting of starting the tour took place in the plaza before the statue of President Kim Il Sung […]