Korean Friendship Association

Promoting peaceful, diplomatic & cultural relations, economic growth, understanding & friendship between the DPRK and USA


The Korean Friendship Association USA (KFAUSA) as part of the leading organization of DPRK friends and supporters, is deeply committed to promoting cultural exchange as well as diplomatic and economic cooperation between the DPRK and the United States.

With full recognition by the DPRK government, we aim to show the reality of People’s Korea in the interests of peace, engagement, and solidarity, giving American audiences access to information and audiovisual content rarely found in traditional media.


Eternal Leader Comrade
Kim Il Sung

Entering the modern times, Korea with 5,000-year-long history and brilliant culture gradually weakened in national power owing to the policy of flunkeyism and dependence on outside forces of the feudal Joson dynasty and was reduced to a theatre of competition for the powers.

Great Leader
Kim Jong II

He started his Songun-based leadership with the inspection of the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su 105th Guards Tank Division on August 25, Juche 49(1960). Since his work at the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea on June 19, Juche 53(1964), he led the WPK,

Kim Jong Suk
The Anti-Japanese Heroine

For her noble ideology and her imperishable revolutionary achievements for the country and the people, Kim Jong Suk will live eternally in the minds of the Korean people as Kim Il Sung‟s bodyguard, as an anti-Japanese war heroine, as a pre-eminent political worker.

Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un

Thanks to the wise leadership of the respected Supreme Leader who has set the revolutionary trait of the WPK and the mode of existence of the Party and state as selfless devotion for the people and placed absolute priority on the demands and interests of the people.


Elementor #22390

  “It is easy to be a mother but difficult to discharge one’s duty as the mother.”  Perhaps it means that too much effort is

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Elementor #22387

Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation Signed The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Signs Treaty with Comrade

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Elementor #22381

US Air Espionage against DPRK Slammed RC-135U, a US air force spying aircraft, conducted air espionage again against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea near

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Elementor #22378

RespectedComrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Completed Central Cadres Training School of WPK In the historic period, when a new heyday of strengthening the whole Party is being

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Elementor #22368

A spokesman for the National Aerospace Technology Administration (NATA) of the DPRK, released the following press statement “U.S. hegemonic attempt to militarize outer space into

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Elementor #22366

Human Rights Legally Guaranteed In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea where the working people are the masters of the state and society and everything

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More People Move Into Better Houses in DPRK

Originally posted on http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?MTVAMjAyNC0wNC0xNy1IMDA1QA== Agricultural workers of the Ryonghung Farm in Thaechon County, North Phyongan Province of the DPRK, have moved into new dwelling houses.

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Elementor #22360

Chinese Party and Govt Delegation Visits Friendship Tower A party and government delegation of the People’s Republic of China headed by Zhao Leji, member of

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Elementor #22356

“Reviving” Souls of “Japanese Imperial Army” A former vice admiral of the Japan Maritime “Self-Defense Force” has been recently appointed the boss of the Yasukuni

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Elementor #22355

Workshop for UAWK Officials Held A workshop for chairpersons of the provincial, city and county committees of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea was

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Elementor #22354

Central Committee of Democratic Front for Reunification of Korea Formally Dissolved A meeting of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of

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81st Candlelight Rally in Seoul

Originally published on http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?MTVAMjAyNC0wMy0yMC1IMDA1QA== The 81st candlelight rally and demonstration were staged in Seoul on March 16 to demand the resignation of puppet Yoon Suk

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Elementor #22347

Hwangju-Kindung Waterway Project CompletedWPK Central Committee Sends a Letter of Thanks to Waterway Builders The project of Hwangju-Kindung Waterway, a large-scale irrigation system, was successfully

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We ultimately strive for peace and reunification in the Korean peninsula and providing correct and accurate information directly from the DPRK to you. We are supporters and friends of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.