By Improving Information Level of Education

Visitors to Ryomyong Primary School in Taesong District, Pyongyang, admires the school’s high information level of education.

The school developed and introduced an education support browsing program helpful to improving the qualifications of teachers and their instruction and edification of pupils in order to put education on an IT basis. The program offers the data on the modern trend of educational development, relevant reference books, educational methods which were highly appreciated at the past nationwide teaching contests, etc.

What draws attention is that its developers are none other than the teachers of the school.

Previously, the school tried to push the project for putting education on an IT footing by relying on professional developers.

But the programs developed by them revealed not a few shortcomings during their use. Especially, the multimedia that were used in education proved to be not so helpful in increasing the cognitive faculty of schoolchildren. It was because the developers made them with a subjective approach.

Therefore, the school decided to develop a multimedia presentation by itself. To this end, it brought together constructive proposals and involved suitable teachers in its development. Among them were the one conversant with photography and a dancing teacher capable of speaking in different voices.

Although everyone lacked experience, they pooled their intelligence to prepare scripts and do photographing and recording. However, their first presentation made with such painstaking efforts proved unsuccessful. After repeated discussions they decided to make a multimedia presentation based on the phenomena and things that schoolchildren usually see and have access to, not by imitating existing ones.

The new multimedia proved to be a hit, especially with the children.

Encouraged by this, the school pushed ahead with multimedia development as a project involving all its teachers. And the teachers joined it competitively to develop better multimedia presentations.

In the past two years alone, the school came up with 40 presentations, which have been used in teaching and introduced into other schools across the country.

Last year the school was chosen as one of the top ten IT model units at the national exhibition of IT achievements-2021.

“We are all developers. Our school has all sorts of talents. By relying on them, we will make vigorous efforts to put education on an IT footing,” said Hwang Kwang Ok, headmistress of the school.