A Renowned Plastic Surgeon

In January this year, a man who got hurt in his arm during work was carried to the Pyongyang University of Medical Sciences Hospital.

The patient was in a critical condition—mutilation of blood vessels, nerve and muscle in his right arm.

It was a demanding task. However, Kim Kuk Chol, researcher of the laboratory of the microplastic surgery department, carried out the operation successfully.

He has achieved many successes in his research into re-joining operation of amputated arms and legs and microplastic operation of nerves, blood vessels and tendons for over ten years.

In his postgraduate course after graduation from Pyongyang University of Medical Sciences, he developed a new method of kidney transplantation which has been regarded as the cutting-edge technology in the world, thus stealing the limelight of the medical circles.

After he was appointed to the laboratory of the microplastic surgery department, he began to intensify his research into the microplastic surgery.

He finally succeeded in developing a new method of microplastic surgical operation.

It was a very elaborate operation which required high mental strength and practical skills for re-linking 1mm-thin blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and tendons of amputated limbs, fingers and toes.

Later, he developed a no-damage needle for microplastic surgery.

Of late, he has performed with credit an operation of cutting and straightening a curved shin-bone of a seven-year-old child and transplanting 13-cm-short bone by a single effort.

He has written several books on his clinical experience and presented dozens of papers to local and foreign magazines.

So, his colleagues call him a “man living in a micro world”.