Tag Archives: U.S.

U.S. Reckless Moves for Confrontation with DPRK Denounced by Central Association of Korean Nationals in Russia

Originally posted on: http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?MTJAMjAyNC0wNS0wNi1IMDA2QDJAMUBAMEA3== The Central Association of Korean Nationals in Russia issued a press statement on April 25, denouncing the U.S. reckless moves for confrontation with the DPRK. The press statement accused the U.S. of talking about international counteraction against the DPRK, terming its military drills for self-defense a “violation” of the UNSC “resolution.” […]

UN’s Unfair Behavior under U.S. Pressure

Recently the United Nations tarnished its image by adopting the anti-DPRK “human rights resolution”, yielding to the U.S. highhanded and arbitrary practices. This attitude is not something new as it was taken at a time when the international community was becoming vocal denouncing the UN for being reduced to a puppet of the U.S. The […]

DPRK on U.S. Racial Discrimination

Missouri State judicial authorities of the U.S. recently decided not to indict a white policeman who shot a young black man to death in Ferguson City in August. This clearly shows that the U.S. trumpeting about “protection of human rights” and “equality for all” is no more than human rights tundra and the worst country […]