National Meeting Marks V-Day

Fireworks explode before the 'Victorious Fatherland War Museum'

A national meeting took place in the plaza of the Monument to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War on July 26 to celebrate the 64th anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.

Present there were Kim Yong Nam, Hwang Pyong So, Pak Pong Ju, Choe Ryong Hae and other senior Party, state and army officials, members of the Party central leadership organ in Pyongyang, officials of the Party and armed forces organs, ministries and national agencies, service personnel of the Korean People’s Army and the Korean People’s Internal Security Forces, officials of the institutions and industrial establishments in Pyongyang, persons of merit, youth and students and the chief of the Pyongyang Mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front and overseas compatriots.

Army General Pak Yong Sik, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and minister of the People’s Armed Forces, made a report at the meeting.

The reporter said that the Korean people humbled the arrogance of the US imperialists who boasted of being the “strongest” in the world on July 27, Juche 42 (1953) and won a great victory in the Fatherland Liberation War. This was a historical event that guaranteed the eternal future of the country and the nation, he said, and went on:

July 27 is a proud revolutionary holiday in which the DPRK beat back the formidable US imperialism for the first time in the world history of wars and recorded the first page of great victory in the history of showdown with the US.

The Fatherland Liberation War was an actually hard-fought battle for the just 2-year-old DPRK as it had to beat back the US-led imperialist allied forces, and it was the fiercest revolutionary war in the world history of wars.

It was something beyond common sense for the DPRK with a short history of its regular army and weapons found insufficient and weak economic potentials to fight a modern war against the US imperialists which became corpulent and fatty through aggression and plunder.

When the whole world was following the developments in Korea, holding its breath, President Kim Il Sung, an ever-victorious and iron-willed brilliant commander, expressed the resolute will to show the stamina of the Koreans to the enemies and aroused the entire army and all the people to the do-or-die battle against the US imperialists.

In hearty response to his speech “Every Effort for the Victory of War” aired over radio, the Korean army and people rose as one and waged a do-or-die battle to defeat the US imperialist aggressors and created a legendary story about the victory in the war, going beyond the expectation of the world people.

The shining victory won by the Korean people in the war was a military miracle in the 20th century that put an end to the myth of the US “mightiness” and made the beginning of final ruin of US imperialism.

The feats of significance in the history of the nation and the world performed by the President, who led the war to victory and thus saved the destiny of the country and the nation and made undying contributions to the anti-imperialist, anti-US struggle and the cause of human emancipation, will shine for all ages with the victorious advance of the great Paektusan nation.

The US imperialists are now making desperate efforts to mount a reckless military attack on the DPRK, taken aback by its might getting stronger day by day as a world-level nuclear and rocket power.

If the enemies keep to the “theory of preemptive nuclear attack” threatening their own lifeline, misjudging the strategic position of the DPRK, the invincible Paektusan army will mount the most telling preemptive nuclear attack on the heart of the American empire without any warning or advance notice, as it had already declared, and thus eliminate the US from the surface of the earth and achieve the historic cause of the country’s reunification without fail.

The army and people of the DPRK significantly celebrated the 64th anniversary of the victory in the great Fatherland Liberation War.

Working people, youths and students across the country held colorful events on Thursday.

People from all walks of life visited the plaza of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun where President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il lie in state.

The visitors paid tribute to the portraits of the smiling great leaders.

Service personnel, working people and school youth and children visited the statues and cemeteries of martyrs, memorial towers for the fallen soldiers of the Korean People’s Army and cemeteries of fallen fighters across the country and paid respects to the victors of the great years.

Art performances were given in Pyongyang and local areas.

Band music and chorus of university students in Pyongyang while marching in array were held at Kim Il Sung Square on the same occasion.

Art performances were given by provincial art troupes in Haeju, Sariwon, Sinuiju, Wonsan, Chongjin, Hyesan, Kanggye and Phyongsong cities.

There took place meetings with war veterans across the country.

Youth and students visited war veterans and persons of merits in the wartime and congratulated them on the same day.