Reserve Soccer Players Training

Many successes are registered in the training of reserves in Korea under the increasing state concern for sports.

The football circle of the Moranbong District Juvenile Sports School in the capital city Pyongyang is an example in this respect.

Recently coaches of different sports teams pay special attention to the members of the football circle of the school. They keep eyes on the circle members in the 3rd grade of junior secondary school and take them to their teams from the senior secondary school course.

So far many circle members have been selected by the Sobaeksu, Rimyongsu and Kigwancha Sports Teams. What the experts like most in the members of football circle of the school is their correct basic technical movements. As their basic techniques such as kicking, dribbling and stopping are correct, their development is fast.

What merits special attention is that all the members of the football circle have their own unique skills and talents. They have different statures, but all of them have their own unique skills. So those selected from the school play an important role in their teams.

The school trains the circle members systematically so that they can use what they learned in the sports teams.

The school forms a team with children with clever brain and quick sense of movement and trains them.

From the first grade of primary school, the school selects kids with suitable physical constitutions and trains them in various methods according to their ages and psychologies. In lower grade, the school puts main emphasis on the basic trainings such as ball handling and cross passing. And in higher grade children are taught professional techniques like dribbling and shooting in different situations.
In the course, the children master special techniques suitable to their physical constitutions. Their enthusiasm is high.

The children say:

“I am still green in all aspects. But I am training with confidence.”

“I will succeed and win a gold medal in the future.”