Innovations in Vinalon and Other Chemicals Production

Innovations in Vinalon and Other Chemicals Production

In hearty response to Marshal Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s Address the February 8 Vinalon Complex is increasing production from the first days of the new year.

It is making innovations in the production of different chemicals including carbide, caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, agricultural chemicals and vinalon.

Officials took perfect measures to keep facilities and appliances warm in winter and are properly carrying on technical management.

They are visiting coal and other mines by train to provide coal, limestone and other raw materials and fuel ahead of production.

In only a few days they secured more than a thousand tons of limestone and large quantities of other raw materials and fuel.

Grasping all production processes in detail, officials of the staff are linking them closely and organizing and commanding production skillfully.

The raw materials workshop and carbide workshops Nos.1 and 2 are operating the carbide electric furnaces on a scientific and technical basis to sufficiently provide basic raw materials for the production of vinalon and other chemical goods.

Acetylene, nitrogen, synthesizing, polymerizing and steam workshops took perfect measures to keep facilities and appliances warm and are conducting vigorous campaigns to provide intermediate raw materials in time.

Caustic soda, agricultural chemicals, plasticizer and other workshops are increasing production every day.