A Historic House Tells of Feats of Kim Il Sung in Party Founding

In Pyongyang, the capital of the Democratic People´s Republic of Korea, there is a historic house Party Founding Museum which tells the undying achievements of the great leader Kim Il Sung who founded the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Some time ago I visited the museum. Entering Room No. 1 together with the visitors, I stopped before a picture of the great leader Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, the founder of the WPK. In the initial days of his revolutionary activities Kim Il Sung keenly felt the necessity of founding a vanguard organization of the revolution and formed the Down-with-Imperialism Union, the root of the WPK, in October Juche 15 or 1926, declaring a fresh start of the Korean revolution.

After forming the Down-with-Imperialism Union in his teens, he organized the Society for Rallying Comrades, the first party organization, and with it as a parent body, made preparations for party foundation during the protracted anti-Japanese struggle. Recalling his immortal exploits, I felt a lump in my throat.

Lecturer Ham Un Gyong has this to say:

The great Kim Il Sung directed primary efforts to accomplishing the cause of party founding. He said, as basic party organizations were firmly built already during the anti-Japanese armed struggle, local party organizations should be founded first and on this basis, the central guidance organ of the party be built and in this way the party should be founded.

And he saw that the work to form party organizations in all local areas was actively promoted. He proposed forming the Central Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of North Korea, a powerful central guidance organ of the party, in north Korea and saw that the issue was discussed at a preliminary meeting for founding the party on October 5, 1945. The preliminary meeting adopted an agreement on founding the Central Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of North Korea and decided to call the inaugural congress of the Party on October 10.

After listening to the lecturer, I looked round mementoes and materials on display in Rooms Nos. 2 and 3. With solemn feelings I attentively looked round the mementos.

The lecturer said:

President Kim Il Sung called the inaugural congress of the Party on October 10, 1945. At the congress he formed the Central Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of North Korea and declared the foundation of the Party to the world. The foundation of the party was a brilliant fruition of the long struggle in which he made all his painstaking efforts to found a revolutionary party of Juche type after the formation of the ´Down-with-Imperialism Union´. With the Party founded, the Korean revolution could have its powerful militant staff and the Korean people could victoriously advance the building of a new society under the leadership of the Party.

I could warmly feel the unremitting efforts made by Kim Il Sung for the party founding without relieving his fatigue pent-up during the anti-Japanese struggle, though he returned home in triumph after accomplishing the cause of national liberation. Guided by the lecturer, I looked round with deep emotion his famous work “On building the Party, state and armed forces in the liberated homeland” and other mementos before making for the lodgings used by him at that time.

Here in the simple matted room Kim Il Sung wrote a report on the inaugural congress of the Party throughout the night.

I also looked round the Monument to Party Foundation. Going round different places of the museum, I had a deeper understanding of the immortal exploits and wise leadership of Kim Il Sung who set a brilliant example in the building of a revolutionary party of Juche type and energetically led the party building and activities.

I left the museum, firmly believing that the WPK founded by President Kim Il Sung and further strengthened and developed by the great Kim Jong Il will demonstrate its dignity all over the world as an ever-victorious party forever thanks to respected Kim Jong Un and the Korean people led by the party will see the bright future of prosperity.